Under the pillow News

Micio Mormicio: Pitching "Under the pillow" at the Torino Short Film Market

Torino Short Film Market (TSFM) vol. 6 happened on December 1-3 in the beautiful palace, Il Circolo dei Lettori e Palazzo Cisterna. 5 XR projects were selected to be presented in front of the European decision-makers, distributors, and producers.

"Under the pillow" is currently in the pre-production stage of Episode 2, so during the pitching, more information about the upcoming episode was presented.

After the pitching session, the creator, Georgy Molodtsov, and one of kitten Mormittens had a chance to give more details about the project during one-on-one meeting session.

Let's hope that in addition to kotik Mormotik, kitten Mormitten and MormoSyaMao, there also would be Micio Mormicio!
2021-12-04 21:27 Pitchings